Should you be locked up for being a repeat houseplant murderer? We’re gonna let you off the hook. There are plenty of houseplants tolerant of homeowners who lack green thumbs. Here are 10 of our favorite hard-to-kill houseplants (often found in the PG greenhouses), so you can put your plant murdering past behind you.
1. Pothos
Lighting: Bright, indirect light to low light.
Watering: Poke your finger about an inch into the soil. If dry, water. If wet, wait to water.
2. Spider Plant
Lighting: Bright, indirect light.
Watering: Allow to dry out between waterings. Water when soil is dry to the touch.
3. Peace Lily
Lighting: Place in a semi-shady area.
Watering: Keep soil moist.
4. Bromeliads
Lighting: Bright, indirect light.
Watering: Water at the base of the plant where the foliage meets.
5. Philodendron
Lighting: Bright, indirect sunlight.
Watering: Allow to dry out between waterings. Water when soil is dry to the touch.
6. Dracaena
Lighting: Bright, indirect sunlight.
Watering: Poke your finger about an inch into the soil. If dry, water. If wet, wait to water.
7. Diffenbachia
Lighting: Bright–moderate filtered light.
Watering: Allow to dry out between waterings. Water when soil is dry to the touch.
8. Snake Plant (Mother-in-law’s Tongue)
Lighting: Bright, indirect–low light.
Watering: Allow to dry out between waterings. Water when soil is dry to the touch, give it a good soak.
9. Catus
Lighting: Bright, filtered light.
Watering: Allow to dry out between waterings. If the soil is dry, give them one good soak. During dormant season (winter) water less.
10. Jade
Lighting: Moderate Light
Watering: Allow to dry out between waterings. Water when soil is dry to the touch. Can water less during the winter months.